Neuro Key is a service user and caregiver led, innovative and cost-effective charity that supports people living with a neurological condition, injury or impairment. We deliver an Advocacy, Information and Signposting service to over 1500 people a year to support neurological need, educate professionals and students, help people understand their condition and overcome some of the difficulties of navigating services.

You can support our work in a variety of ways (e.g. direct donations, sponsorships, team events, etc) and help us to improve the quality of life of people living with a neurological condition.


“What incredible work you have been doing over the years. I love your

approach and the level of care you have given the work”.


“Thanks so much for your support and insights”.


You can support our work when you shop online

You can donate through Give As you Live and Smile Amazon:




Coming up Recent events
  • AGM
  • Mind the Gap

Sponsorship form available – Contact us


Breakdown per pound donated

Cost Centre Sum for every £ donated
Advocacy, expertise, support, education 80p
Administration, office, telephone, publication renewals 6p
Fees and Insurances 4p
Travel 4p
Volunteer expenses, participation and engagement 4p
Website and digital 1p
Total £1.00


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