We offer a range of resources to provide information and advice and assist you to manage your condition. Just click the links below to view downloadable PDFs, or to request a copy in the post please get in touch on 01642 641 825 or email

Presentations of neurodevelopmental conditions
Through our work with people living with a range of neurodevelopmental conditions we have produced this iceberg graphic which highlights just how much of daily life managing neurodevelopmental conditions is hidden. The aim of this resource is to raise awareness of the various presentations of neurodevelopmental conditions, as well as the range of neurodevelopment conditions...

MyLifeTool is a self-management tool for people with long-term conditions. It is designed for any long-term condition and was developed in partnership between people with long-term conditions, Neuro Key and psychologists from Teesside University. We see self-management as a journey towards finding or maintaining meaning and purpose in life. It is an ongoing process that...

Carers from diverse communities
The project has been delivered through the Neuro Exchange Information hub at the Bridge Care Centre, Middlesbrough, outreach through visiting peer support groups, liaison with three representatives of national Charities and staff from the Specialist Occupational Therapist Community Neurological Rehabilitation team. Carers from diverse communities: final project report

The announcement by Justin Tomlinson MP that people with hidden disability can now have access to a Blue Badge has raised a number of issues about public understanding of the Blue Badge scheme, since people with hidden disability have always had the right to apply for a Blue Badge. Getting one is a different story....

Neuro Key Report: Chronic ill-health, disability and societal attitudes
At a time when we could be discussing how to support the development of the social model of disability, we are fire-fighting the worst dismantling of disability rights the UK has seen in nearly fifty years. Chronic ill-health, disability and societal attitudes

Our ‘Open Door’ series of learning tools are based on the lived experiences of people with neurological conditions. The series is collectively created to share our expertise and ultimately, benefit the whole neuro community. However, we need to sustain this Charity. If this resource has been useful for you, we would appreciate a donation to...

Access to psychological support is an essential part of a neurological care pathway. However, this report from the Neurological Alliance highlights the gaps in provision of psychological support for people living with a neurological condition. Neurological Alliance Parity of Esteem Report 2017

A directory of information, local services and contact details for people living with or caregivers of a neurological condition in the Tees Valley, Durham and North Yorkshire regions. Click to view a downloadable PDF or to request a copy in the post please get in touch on 01642 641 825 or email Directory 2017

The Jargon Buster has been designed to help understand some of the terminology used by 3rd Sector, Health and Social Care professionals and in particular, reflect some of the changes from Welfare Reform. Click to view a downloadable PDF or to request a copy in the post please get in touch on 01642 641 825...